
Teaching requires me to be semi-creative in my outfit choices.  I can’t wear things too often because the kids notice (and trust me, they DO say something about it).  So, over time, I’ve developed and cultivated a wardrobe that allows me to have a 2-week cycle.  But, I am also super lazy in the morning and want to put forth as minimal of an effort as possible.  So not only do I need work-appropriate gear but it also needs to be cute and functional.  Basically, if they made Garanimals for adults, I would be the number one buyer.  For sure.





Honestly, this dress didn’t impress me much at first.  My friend picked it off the “Last one!” rack at Francesca’s and pulled me in the dressing room with her.  She tried it on and thought it was tight in the chest and then threw it at me.  I was hesitant because on the hanger it had flowy sleeves, an elastic waist and a very revealing back.  But now, that being said, I LOVE this dress.  It’s on the verge of work appropriate in terms of length and I absolutely have to wear a black cardigan with it, but I love how it’s cute, functional, and easy.  My perfect outfit choice. 🙂



Outfit Details:

Dress – Francescas {Similar}

Belt – {from this skirt}

Sandals – Target

Runners Tell All: Race Bucket List


I am SO thrilled to be back writing.  The past few weeks have been a blur of blue & white while I’ve become acquainted with my new school, cross country team, and responsibilities as a, wait for it, CHEMISTRY teacher.  I’ll touch more on that later, but today, I’m even more excited to be co-hosting the Runners Tell All link-up from Amanda and Beka.  Read on for my race bucket list, enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for an awesome handmade bag, and link-up so I can know what other races to sign up for!

As I was thinking about this post, I realized that I’ve run every single major race distance (5k, 10k, half-marathon, and a marathon).  In terms of a favorite race distance, I LOVE the half marathon and after my last two 10K’s, I think that holds a special place in my heart too.




But this is a post about what races are on my bucket list, no matter how ridiculous they may seem.  I’ll be pretty honest with you though, I have ZERO interest in obstacle course runs or really expensive 5K’s.  I’m weird like that, I guess?


(1) The Hot Chocolate 15K run

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This run looks like SO much fun.  And?? There’s CHOCOLATE at the end of it.  The race swag is also pretty sweet because it’s’ a hoodie.  What better way to show the world your bad-ass-ness than to wear that hoodie with pride saying, “Oh hey!  Yeah, I ran this race.  NO BIG DEAL.”  Although they offer at 5K, that ish is expensive and I would totally want to get my money’s worth.  You know how there’s a “cost per wear” mentality with clothing?  I have that same with “cost per mile” with running registration fees.


(2) Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon

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I will always be quick to tell you that there is NO EFFING WAY that I would run another full marathon, but because this race is literally 20 minutes away from my house, I think I would make an exception.  The Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon is a point-to-point FLAT course on the trail that goes along Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, which is my favorite vista in the entire world.  (**Swoon**)

(3) Run Disney

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And no race would be complete without at least ONE Disney race.  But, I literally want to do all of them.  I love Disney so much, but Chris hates even the idea of it, so I already know we will never vacation there (ask me how upset I am about it another time.  Spoiler alert – it’s a lot.)  Although the Princess Half-Marathon weekend looks rad, I would MUCH rather prefer to run the Star Wars Half-Marathon because, HELLO, Star Wars?!  My nerd heart just burst a little when I saw that there is a THEMED STAR WARS RACE.  Another Disney race that looked fun is the Wine & Dine Half-Marathon weekend series.  But, that starts super late at night, but at least you get wine at the end (I obviously have my priorities here, you guys).  And lastly, the Expedition Everest Challenge because (1) that’s the BEST ride at WDW (2) it’s basically a huge (expensive) scavenger hunt around the Animal Kingdom park.



Now…for the moment you’ve been waiting for…the giveaway and link-up!  When you go through the link-up, PLEASE actually complete the entries honestly, because we will be checking!  It’s the teacher in me, I can’t help it. 🙂


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Then, link-up for Runner’s Tell All so I can start putting more money in my “Races” account.  I can’t wait to see where you all want to run at!  But, naturally, there are rules…


  • You MUST leave a comment on the person’s blog who linked up directly before you. This is not a linkup for the sake of linking up. This is a linkup to build community and spread the love and encouragement to your fellow runners! Don’t be lame.
  • Do not share links to unrelated running posts or to your blog’s homepage, or we will have to delete your link. (I’ve done it before too, so I’m not joking.)
  • Please link back to either Beka or Amanda in your post so others can come here and join in! Or grab the button below and add it to your post.
  • Have fun!


Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list…



Sunday Social

1. What are you most looking forward to about Fall?
I am most looking forward to not going outside and sweating while I stand there.  Seriously, the weather is finally gorgeous for a mid-afternoon long run to look at all the foliage and pretty colors on the trails.  Oh, and sweaters, cardis, and boots!

2. What is your favorite sports team?

The Marquette Golden Eagles. #mubb

3. If you could go back to college is there one thing you would change?

Not be such a crazy, basket case, insecure freshman. And not go to college dating anyone.

4. What was your favorite class you ever took? 

I really enjoyed my biochemistry course, actually.  I think it was mostly because I wasn’t pre-med (secondary education, FTW!) so I didn’t have to stress out about getting an A so I could get into med school.  My most favorite education course was my advanced diverse societies where I wrote a paper on ebonics and realized how many amazing American sub-cultures there are.

5. Reach into your purse what is the first thing you grab?
My phone or sunnies.

Sunday Social

High Five for Friday

TGIF y’all!  I’m thrilled that’s Friday.  Although I’m not crazy about how hot it’s (finally) gotten this week.  And don’t even get me started on the humidity.


1//On our last day date of the summer, Chris and I checked out a new donut place in the Third Ward, mostly because they had gluten free donuts.  They were the BEST donuts I’ve ever had – super moist, good flavor, and drenched in chocolate ganache.  A big pricy at $2.25/GF donut, but so, so good.

photo 1


2// I started my new job this week!  Whenever a teacher starts at a new district, they go through a week of New Teacher Initiation Induction.  Honestly, out of the two induction weeks that I’ve attended, this was by far the most informational and realistic in terms of content.  I feel extremely fortunate that we moved when we did in terms of my career.  I have four years of teaching experience and the fact that I get to use all of that knowledge AND still be in a position/age where I want to learn everything about my profession.

photo 3

So much Google, so little time.


3// Not only do I get a fresh start in terms of my professional behavior (not that I needed one before, but you know, it never hurts), I get to have a fresh wardrobe start as well!  I’ve made a major effort to shop my closet and think about what pieces I’m missing.


Hmm, I think I see a pattern?


4// Because I’ll be particularly busy this fall (teaching, new job, coaching), Chris has graciously demanded that he help more with domestic duties and such. Honestly, this is really hard for me, but when I looked at my schedule, I realized that there’s no way I wouldn’t be able to have his help.



5//Today is my first official day of cross country practice (although the season started on Monday) and I’m looking forward to getting to know the girls more and running with them.  Remember this is really the only season where I like to run with other people. 😉




Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth.

Runners Tell All: Lone Ranger

SO excited to link up with Amanda and Beka again for Runner’s Tell All – a monthly link-up with set topics on the 21st of each month.  This month’s topic is how you run or with whom you run.  Well, let me let you in on a little secret…I secretly HATE running with (most) other people.  And my attitude is season dependent.

The only acceptable large group of runners, in my book.


I need any and all motivation to get my butt out the door.  Therefore, I need accountability buddies (or a scheduled race) to motivate me to get moving.  I don’t care how slow we are going, I am just getting miles in to stay fit and loosely train for any early fall races. This is the season where I am most relaxed in terms of running.


My tolerance for others decreases dramatically.  During the fall while coaching, I really enjoy running with my athletes.  I think they’re hilarious and I typically learn a great deal about them, myself, and running as a whole when seeing it through the eyes of my middle school or high school athletes.  But, once that weekend rolls around, my long run is for ME.  Seriously, leave me alone.   I talk to 200+ people everyday all week, let me listen to Blink 182 or Bastille and have it be me and trail in front of me.   Typically, this is the time of year that is beautiful running weather and now I am running for time/pace/whatever so that my late fall race will be a PR.

#tbt Running does a body good, y'all.

#tbt Running does a body good, y’all.

My attitude goes down the toilet post-season and all I want is for the fall weather to last foooorrrrreeeeevvvveeeeerrrr.  But once that first snow hits (and sticks), I need an accountability buddy again and will force a friend to use treadmills with me.


See fall, but without coaching.  I’m usually pretty motivated to get out and workout because I have my spring debut race.


There are, however, two people I really enjoyed running with – Chris (no duh) and my old head cross country coach.  Honestly?  It’s because they pushed me, consciously and subconsciously, to be a better athlete and person.


And they’re willing to take selfies with me…duh.

At our New Teacher week activities, one of my interesting facts was that I love running.  And when my partner asked, “WHY?!” My response was that I love eating.  While that’s a pretty big reason (no seriously, you guys, I really love eating), it’s also my time to be by myself, reflect on my day, and be in the right state of mind so I can be a good teacher, spouse, daughter and friend.


And the eating thing is pretty good too.


Whom do you like to train with or are you also a “lone ranger”?