Sunday Social

Thanks again to Neely & Ashley for hosting a fun weekend link-up!

1. What are your favorite things to do on a lazy day?
My lazy day shenanigans are seasonally-dependent.  During the school year, I have no idea what this word means as I am usually grading, planning, running errands, or working out.  On the occasion that I “take a morning off” and don’t do any of those things (or we have an unexpected cancellation…woof), I will paint my nails and binge-watch a show, like Bones.

During the first two weeks of summer is when I usually take my longest “break” from anything school-related.  I will sleep in, surf the Internet, work out at my leisure, and eat all.of.the.things.  I’m really not good at taking a long-extended break, so there is usually something on the docket.  For example…
2010:: We moved to Iowa and had no money, so we went to the pool and library a lot.
2011:: Europe for 4 weeks
2012:: ACT Prep Instructor for Upward Bound
2013:: Europe for 8 weeks
2014:: ???  (So much to share…soon!)

2. What is your TV guilty pleasure?
Chris and I watch the following together:: Brooklyn Nine-Nine, New Girl, Modern Family, Enlisted, Shark Tank (ugh), The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, & @Midnight (hi-larious) and I watch these by myself:: Sherlock (when is Season 3 appearing on Hulu?!?!), Bones, & Revenge.

3. What is your favorite road trip music?

I feel as if I road trip to work every morning (50-60 minute round trip commute…woo!) so I made a playlist for that.  Currently, it consists of Macklemore, Bastille, New Politics, Britney Spears, and some other random pump-up music.

4. What are your favorite magazines or books to read by the pool or just laying around?

Runners World

5. What is your favorite snack?

Anything I can get my hands on?  I really love me some chips & salsa, but lately, I’ve been digging almonds & apples as a pairing.

Answer one of these questions below and keep the conversation going!


8 thoughts on “Sunday Social

  1. Europe for 8 weeks? That is awesome! I was just telling my bf yesterday that I want to take a trip to Italy. I won’t be able to take 8 weeks of PTO with my job, but even 1 or 2 weeks would be fab. My favorite healthy snack of the moment is Uber by Larabar. I always need a quick, easy to grab snack for the road around 4 or 5pm and these have been my go to lately.

    • I LOVE Lara ALT bars, especially the lemon flavor (and it has 10g of pea protein!). I’ve been doing the almond/apple thing post-workout on my way home from school.

      Ah yes, Europe for a total of 12 weeks. Hubby’s a grad student studying the French Reformation. Best.Perk.Ever.

    • You? Are awesome. Once I got this comment, I streamed the first episode of season 3. I ❤ Benedict Cumberbatch.

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