Rants & Raves

Happy Saturday!
I think Friday  nights and Saturday mornings are my favorite day(s) of the week.  There is so much potential within that time period.

Anywho, time for a new (possible) series called Rants and Raves…



  • We slept in this morning (until 7!) and had a not stressful experience meal planning for this week.
  • I spent under $90 for groceries this week AND got a 10 cent/gallon discount on gas this weekend.  WIN!
  • I’ve decided to a whole week of “real food”/semi clean food.  Deets (and a challenge opportunity!) to come soon!

Strawberry & PB2 sammie, apples, carrots and garlic hummus.



  • I’m making oven tacos for dinner this week (hooray!) and the recipe calls for diced green chilis.  Since I’ve decided to look more at the ingredients list of everything I put in my mouth, I was SHOCKED when I saw this.  The last ingredient in the diced green chilis is CALCIUM CHLORIDE.  “Oh, what’s the big deal?” you might be thinking.  Not to get all chemistry teacher on you, but guys…calcium chloride is the main ingredient in ice melter.  Pure CaCl2 is a skin irritant and reacts with water.  Companies put this in as a food preserver/bacteria killer (because of the heat it would generate).  Imagine what that is doing in your body. I bought a full anaheim pepper instead.
  • I’ve decided to do the aforementioned week of real food/semi-clean eating because I feel “bleh”.  I’m hoping that by eliminating most of the processed food, sugar, and dairy from my diet that I’ll feel a bit better.  My gut better thank me because my brain is not happy.
  • It’s still FREEZING here in Iowa.  Isn’t it supposed to be over 40 degrees by now?

Off to go cross off some things on the ol’ to-do list for today.
